Parish Office Closure


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Parish Office Closure
18th March 2020

In light of Government advice, the Parish Office will be closed to visitors for the duration of the coronavirus emergency.  During this time the Clerk will be working remotely and can be contacted by email or phone using 07458 095619.  All scheduled meetings of the Council have been cancelled until further notice but Council staff will do their best to maintain services for as long as it is safe to do so.

Whilst the office is closed the Council will be unable to accept any cash payments or issue keys or floodlight tokens for existing bookings.  If you have a booking arranged in the next few weeks please contact the Clerk to discuss whether it will be possible to reschedule. It may be necessary to close certain facilities in which case a refund will be arranged.  No new bookings will be accepted before the end of May.

The Council will prioritise keeping our outdoor facilities safe and clean and residents are encouraged to make full use of our wonderful public spaces for fresh air and exercise.  

The Council's response to the Covid-19 outbreak is set out in the April Villager article (below)


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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