Bayston Hill - Annual Parish Meeting - Tuesday 27th April 2021 - 7pm via Zoom Video Conferencing

Just for some background on what an Annual Parish Meeting is :-
- To comply with the Local Government Act 1972, the Parish Annual Meeting must take place between 1 March and 1 June (both inclusive) in each year. The meeting cannot start before 6pm. The Annual Parish Meeting is not the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting.
- All parish electors are entitled to attend the Parish Meeting and vote. The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 provides for the general public and the press to attend.
- The Chair of the Council (or in his absence the Vice-Chair) must preside if present. If they are not present, the meeting may appoint a Chair for the meeting.
Click on the file at the bottom to copy/paste or note more easily the Zoom joining details.