Share your views on the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub


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Share your views on the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub
28th April 2022
A request from our Chair, Cllr Mark Underwood: "I have received this today which I would like to share with you. Its important that we have a say in what is being proposed whether we agree or not so I would urge as many of you as possible to register an interest in being part of the focus groups that will be running from 26th to 31st May 2022 and to share this post with anyone you know who may not be on this group or does not have internet access, you will note in the document that they can request a telephone interview. I know no more than what I have shared so please do not direct any questions back to myself. "The document I have shared provides all the information you need to be able to register for the focus groups. "Thank You in anticipation that you will register."


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