Notice of 5 seats on Bayston Hill Parish Council


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Notice of 5 seats on Bayston Hill Parish Council
14th May 2021

Why not apply to join Bayston Hill Parish Council ?

Last Monday the new councillor team met to establish Bayston Hill Parish Council for 2021 - 2025.  10 members joined with the possibilty of adding an additional 5 residents taking all 15 seats.  Some applications are already in, but this is your chance to join the Council and Make a Difference.  Please follow both links below for earlier anoouncements and please get in touch if you wish to be considered.  It would be brilliant to start with a full house.

Click Vacancies | Bayston Hill Parish Council  and Your Parish Council Needs You ! | Bayston Hill Parish Council

Best regards,


Shaun Jones

Locum Clerk to Bayston Hill Parish Council.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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