Planning Committee meeting - date amended.


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Planning Committee meeting - date amended.
6th April 2021

Due to the unavailability of a council member it is proposed to move the Planning Committee meeting forward, from 12th April to 27th April 2021.


Follow the link for the updated Meeting Diary:

Also please note that a skelton Annual Parish Meeting has been brought forward to 27th April 2021 from 17th May 2021 so that a meeting may be held over Zoom.  There will be a proposal to hold an additional Parish Meeting later in the year when coronavirus restrictions are behind us.

The slated meetings on 17th May and 14th June 2021 may also be cancelled as Zoom meetings are currently expected to revert to face to face from 7th May 2021 but Council would prefer to wait until 21st June 2021 when most restrictions are expected to fall away. 

The Annual Meeting will take place on 10th May 2021 after the 6th May 2021 Parish Council Elections, it will be a very short agenda to allow for the new council to sign declaration of office forms and elect a Chairman.  All other business that would usually be undertaken will be dealt with at a later meeting of Full Council. The venue is expected to be the Youth & Community Building and Car Park if maximum numbers for a COVID compliant meeting are exceeded.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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