Shropshire Local Plan 2016-2038 - Latest Consultation Response


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Shropshire Local Plan 2016-2038 - Latest Consultation Response
9th October 2020
Credit: Shropshire's Great Outdoors

Planning Conultation Response

Today the Planning Committee of Bayston Hill Parish Council approved the documents attached to this news item to be submitted to Shropshire Council Planning Policy team.

The covering email states:-

Bayston Hill Parish Council (BHPC) Planning Committee met on Monday 24th August and Monday 28th September 2020 to review the Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan 2016-2038.  We are extremely grateful for the extension of the deadline to today – Friday 9th October 2020 and have pleasure in enclosing our submission.

I have prepared our response in the format prescribed and also included the BHPC response document to an earlier consultation stage – January 2019 as it contains relevant context to the stance being taken by BHPC.

All that can be stated now is that due consideration is given to our “on the ground” view and that the plan is refined to reflect the strong opinions that residents of Bayston Hill hold.



All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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