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21st May 2021

Healthwatch, Shropshire.

Call for information we have just launched around the problems being faced when trying to access NHS dental treatment in Shropshire.

Click on the poster in files section below.

Brian Rapson

Information Officer

14th May 2021

Why not apply to join Bayston Hill Parish Council ?

Last Monday the new councillor team met to establish Bayston Hill Parish Council for 2021 - 2025.  10 members joined with the possibilty of adding an additional 5 residents taking all 15 seats.  Some applications are already in, but this is your chance to join the Council and Make a Difference.  Please follow both links below for earlier anoouncements and please get in touch if you wish to be considered.  It would be brilliant to start with a full house.

Click Vacancies | Bayston Hill Parish Council  and Your Parish Council Needs You ! | Bayston Hill Parish Council

Best regards,


Shaun Jones

Locum Clerk to Bayston Hill Parish Council.

13th May 2021

The Planning Committee meeting has been cancelled.

The meeting dated Monday 17th May 2021 will not take place.  We are no longer allowed to undertake Council business via tele/video conference and we are minimiseing face to face meetings while COVID-19 regulations are in force.

Delegated powers to the Clerk are in place should a planning application be presented that should be commented on,


Shaun Jones

Locum Clerk

13th May 2021

Please receive the latest programme update from Connecting Shropshire.

Check the files section below.



Ben Walker

Marketing and Engagement Manager

Connecting Shropshire

Economic Growth

Shropshire Council


Shrewsbury, Shropshire. SY2 6ND

Phone: 01743 252203

Email: ben.walker@shropshire.gov.uk

Web: http://connectingshropshire.co.uk/

Sign up for news from the Connecting Shropshire team

12th May 2021

A very slim Annual Council meeting took place on Monday 10th May 2021.

To legally establish your Parish Council directly after elections the first meeting of new municipal year must take place on the day councilors take office or within 14 days.  The following Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and are listed below :-

Cllr Mark Underwood mark.underwood@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk - Elected Chairman for 2021-22.
Cllr Ted Clarke ted.clarke@shropshire.gov.uk
Cllr Caroline Clode caronline.clode@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Caroline Higgins caroline.higgins@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Patrick Higgins patrick.higgins@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Alan Parkhurst alan.parkhurst@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Emma Plover emma.plover@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Clare Shaw clare.shaw@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Chris Teckoe chris.teckoe@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk
Cllr Janet Whittall janet.whittall@baystonhillparishcouncil.org.uk


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.