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1st June 2023

23/02061/OUT | Residential Development (Outline) with Vehicular and Pedestrian Access off Glebe Road, along with Use of Existing Vehicular Access to Serve Relocated Church Car Park | Land To The Rear Of Christ Church Glebe Road Bayston Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire

23rd May 2023
Please see attached documents for information on new vacancies.
25th April 2023

Cllr Caroline Clode presented her Annual Report last night at the Annual Parish Meeting, please see attached report.

17th April 2023

From the questionnaire results we have received so far from residents, a significant number said that they did not know how to calculate their Carbon Footprint and would appreciate some guidance.

If you have not completed the questionnaire yet, then please follow this link, please do complete the questionnaire, it will help us help you

You can use either of these websites to calculate your carbon footprint. - Basic and easy to use (no sign up) but does not personalise your activity afterwards. - Sign up required but creates a personalised plan with goals. - Carbon Stewards probes deeper and will give you a more detailed breakdown of what your carbon footprint is. We hope this will help you.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.