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Photo Caroline Clode
1st September 2023

Bayston Hill Parish Council are delighted that the application to build on our precious remaining central green space has been withdrawn. 

Chairman of the Council, Cllr Caroline Clode said “This is such a relief! The community have really pulled together to show its opposition to these plans. Over 200 objections were lodged on the Planning Portal, over 500 signatures have been collected opposing it as well as residents airing their concerns to local media.  

“Now we can move forward in supporting the application to designate this space as an official “Village Green” and protect it for everyone to enjoy for years to come.” 

21st August 2023

An additional Planning Committee has been called for 29th August at 4pm, details can be found on the meetings tab.

Road Safety picture
14th August 2023

Road Safety Working Group

The Parish Council have voted to create a Road Safety Working Group to look at ways to improve safety in the village.

We would like to invite members of the public to join this group, we will be agreeing a terms of reference in September.

We would particularly welcome interest from people working in professional fields that may assist with recommendations.

If you can help please email


Planning Picture
2nd August 2023

For residents information, we have received many enquiries about this site.

23/03190/FUL | Erection of 7 detached dwellings and 1 garage following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. | White Gate 53 Lythwood Road Bayston Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire SY3 0NA

More information here


21st June 2023

New boundaries are being proposed for council electoral divisions in Shropshire Council. 

The Local Government Boundary Commission wants to hear what residents and local organisations think about the proposals. A 10-week consultation on the proposals will run until 10 July 2023. 

You can see the proposals here Shropshire | LGBCE

The Parish Council on 12th June 2023 resolved to submit the following comments

  • Retain a single member division for Bayston Hill as it better serves our interests
  • A single member could better focus on the needs of Bayston Hill
  • BH has its own identity to be retained and this format has always worked well.
  • BH is a geographically compact area for one member to serve.


    All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.