Glebeland Update


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Glebeland Update
27th September 2023
Glebelands photo

Glebelands Update

At the first Full Council meeting after the withdrawal of the Glebelands application, the decision was taken to write to the land agent requesting that the Parish Council be considered to again hold the lease for the field.

The following response has been received;

“Following the withdrawal of Shinglers planning application, the Diocese have sought legal advice and are currently considering their options with their partners and the local church.

“I am afraid it is very unlikely that they will include reletting the land to the Parish Council. Until we have a clear decision, I cannot give you any firm advice.”

We will continue to share any further updates as we receive them.

Cllr C Clode

Chairman, Bayston Hill Parish Council.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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