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7th April 2017

A total of 8 persons have been elected unopposed for the 15 available seats and will take office following an uncontested election on 4 May 2017.

The names of those elected may be viewed by clicking on the file link below.

The Council will be seeking candidates for co-option to fill the 7 vacant seats immediately following their Annual Council Meeting to be held on 8 May 2017.  The Council has until 23 June to co-opt to fill these vacancies.  Anybody interested in standing for co-option should contact the Parish Clerk, who can provide information about the role of Councillor.  Tel 01743 874651 or email  Candidates must be either electors of the parish or have their main job in the parish.  The Parish Clerk can give further details about eligibiity if required.

There are also two seats for Young Councillors aged 16 - 18.  We have no Young Councillors at present so the Council is very hopeful that young people will step forward to take a lead in their community.  This would be an excellent addition to a CV for any student interested in working in the public sector.


8th March 2017

Phase 3 of the traffic management scheme affecting Meole Brace Roundabout will come into effect on Friday 11 March 2017.  For about 3 weeks vehicles will not be able to go all round the roundabout but will be diverted down Hereford Road to the mini-roundabout by the Retail Park.  A plan of the short diversion can be viewed by clicking on the file link.  The diversion will be removed at weekends but is likely to lead to even more delays so please allow extra time for your journeys into and around Shrewsbury

8th March 2017

Bayston Hill remains a low crime area but West Mercia Police publish a monthly newsletter with crime prevention advice and brief details of recorded crimes.  The March report for Bayston Hill can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Following concerns about mud on the road in Pulley Lane, advice for farmers using the highway has been provided in a Code of Practice leaflet which is also attached.

Lythwood Pavilion
3rd March 2017

The Parish Council is considering applying for a grant to improve the changing rooms at Lythwood.  We have created a short survey and would appreciate responses from anybody who is familiar with the changing rooms.  Please click here to complete the survey by 22 March 2017

28th February 2017

The 2017 Community Awards Scheme is OPEN. This is your chance to highlight an unsung hero of our village.

A new category has been added this year to recognise young people who are making an effort to get fit and healthy.

Visit our dedicated page under the Communities section of the website to download a nomination pack.

Nominations must be returned to the Parish Office by the end of March.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.