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19th June 2023

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated fairly and should not face disadvantages when seeking to access public or private goods and services in the UK.

The Covenant is a voluntary pledge. Organisations may choose to sign up in order to demonstrate their support for the Armed Forces Community and for the principles of the Covenant.

The Parish Council signed the pledge at the Full Council meeting on June 12th.


16th June 2023

A resident has lodged an application with Shropshire Council to designate the Glebelands as a Village Green and so protecting it for future generations. To support this application a questionnaire has been created to collect evidence.

Please download the questionnaire and email it back to

13th June 2023

At last nights (June 12th) Full Council meeting, Bayston Hill Parish Council voted unanimously to lodge comments strongly in objection to 23/02061/OUT | Residential Development (Outline) with Vehicular and Pedestrian Access off Glebe Road, along with Use of Existing Vehicular Access to Serve Relocated Church Car Park | Land To The Rear Of Christ Church Glebe Road Bayston Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire.

Cllr Underwood said he is against the plans for a variety of reasons.

"My lad used to play football on there," he said. "It's a place where the community comes together. We had 2,000 people for the (Queen's Platinum) Jubilee last year. It's the only bit of green space in the village we could do something like that.

"We lose that and we lose the opportunity to bring the village together."

Councillor Tom Osenton said having the field available to walk his dog has been "incredibly helpful" for his mental heath, and urged villagers to make their objections known on the planning application online.

"Clearly these houses are not in the best interests of the community," he added.

The parish council unanimously agreed to object to the plans on multiple grounds including the loss of green space, the fact the land isn't including in the draft Shropshire Local Plan, concerns over medical and school provision, drainage, loss of wildlife habitat

The planning application will be open to comments until June 22nd.

To view or comment on the plans, visit

1st June 2023

23/02061/OUT | Residential Development (Outline) with Vehicular and Pedestrian Access off Glebe Road, along with Use of Existing Vehicular Access to Serve Relocated Church Car Park | Land To The Rear Of Christ Church Glebe Road Bayston Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire

23rd May 2023
Please see attached documents for information on new vacancies.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.