Your Parish Council Needs You !


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Your Parish Council Needs You !
18th March 2021

Just like the old recruitment posters for the armed forces, Your Parish Council Needs You !

I have been employed by a handful of Parish/Community Councils since 2015 and Bayston Hill Parish Council is ambitious and forward looking. There is one concern I have, that more community minded residents need to seriously consider joining the Council and help make your village an even more desirable place to live. There are fifteen seats on the council and by rights they should all be occupied - with representation right across the piece. If you have a young family it is important your voice is heard. The youngsters need great places to exercise and have fun - there is already a commitment to develop an indoor sports hall and you could help shape this. You may be interested in how the world is to arrest carbon emissions and there is no better place to start than here in your village. Your Council has already resolved to be Carbon Net Zero by 2035 - could that be sooner ? - yes with your drive and enthusiasm. If you want to know more, please get in touch - 07458 095619 and speak to me.  I have also attached a file below with more information.

Shaun Jones, Locum Clerk for Bayston Hill Parish Council.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.

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