Warm Homes Save Lives


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Warm Homes Save Lives
11th February 2021

Act on Energy    Marches Energy Agency    SHAP


The West Midlands Warm Home Save Lives (WHSL) partners (Act on Energy, Marches Energy Agency and the Sustainable Housing Action Partnership), will be doing all we can to raise awareness of the crisis of fuel poverty throughout the West Midlands. Indeed, there is an urgent need for not only greater awareness but for greater action.

We would want to encourage councils, organisations and individual people to support our aspirations to reduce the incidence of fuel poverty.

In your ward, Bayston Hill, Column and Sutton, the overall Fuel Poverty Incidence is 9.4% of all households, however in some parts of your ward the scale of fuel poverty is as high as 10.5%.

Through the WHSL initiative (see WHSL_Fuel Poverty Programme Proposal ) we are already able to provide support to people struggling with energy costs, and they can contact Keep Shropshire Warm, 0800 112 3743, a call free number, and we can help now with independent energy advice and support including help with billing issues, tariff switching, insulation and heating grants including first time central heating and green homes grants.  

Furthermore, if you would like to discuss how WHSL are developing a comprehensive programme to tackle fuel poverty, I can arrange for a Telephone/Zoom discussion with one of our directors.

Kind regards

Eleanor Forrest

Research Officer

Warm Homes Saves Lives


Mobile:  07928782721


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