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2nd November 2020

Advance Notification - Lyth Hill Road - Temporary Road Closure.

26th October 2020

Change to dairy of meetings

There has been an amendment to the schedule of meetings, both Planning Committee and Full Council meetings scheduled for Monday 2nd November 2020 will not take place.  On Monday 16th November 2020 a Planning Committee meeting is now added ahead of the Full Council meeting.

Please see the updated schedule at

23rd October 2020

Throughout 2020 Shropshire’s countryside has been a lifeline to many, particularly during lockdown. While the majority of people treat it with respect, there are increasing instances of irresponsible behaviour which threatens to cause damage to the county’s green spaces.


As such, we have launched a campaign that will initially run over the October half-term holiday encouraging visitors to Shropshire’s countryside to respect it and follow the rules of the countryside code. To support this campaign we have pulled together some graphics which get the key messages of the countryside across. I have attached a few to give you a flavour of what they are like and you can find the rest simply by clicking this link.

Link to follow.

We would be hugely appreciative if you could share these via your own channels within your respective communities to help us get this important message across.


Many thanks for your support.


Best wishes



Adam Spreckley MSc

Senior Communications Officer

Shropshire Council

Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND





For information about Coronavirus click here/image below

23rd October 2020

Name: adam shillcock



I’m asking for a favour and I hope you don’t mind me reaching out for your support .


I’m the Area Manager for Post Office Ltd and I want to thank you on behalf of Bayston Hill Post Office for your support and understanding throughout the pandemic.  We continue to change and adapt in trying to find the new normal.  Here at Bayston Hill  we want to make sure we continue to support your community.  

Could I ask that if there is weekly newsletter, broadcast or social media platform that we and show your support for the essential service in your village and request feedback using the attached link . It’s an important tool for me to demonstrate to government the importance of Post Offices to their respective communities . To date we are still waiting to get feedback for Bayston Hill Post Office and that is why I am reaching out to give them also a much-needed moral boost as we approach a rise in Covid19 cases and difficult trading conditions .

Kind Regards




All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.