Closure of Parish Facilities 24 March 2020


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Closure of Parish Facilities 24 March 2020
24th March 2020

Dear Resident,

In line with government advice all sports and play facilities provided by the Parish Council are closed until further notice.

No access is permitted to the tennis court or astro turf, the outdoor gym, bmx track, skate park or children's play park at Longmeadow.  Football nets may not be used and the playing fields, may be used only for exercise either alone or with members of your own household.  Anybody holding a key who wishes to return it and claim their deposit should contact the Clerk.  Refunds will be arranged by BACS transfer to avoid the need for personal contact.

The community woodlands and other open spaces are open for exercise in line with government advice but please respect the space and needs of others and avoid spending extended periods of time in them.

Keep safe and stay home where possible.

Thank you for your cooperation at this difficult time.



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