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24th August 2021

Please receive the latest programme update from Connecting Shropshire.

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Ben Walker

Marketing and Engagement Manager

Connecting Shropshire

Economic Growth

Shropshire Council


Shrewsbury, Shropshire. SY2 6ND

Phone: 01743 252203



23rd August 2021

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin CCG is calling on the local community to share its views on proposals for an exciting health and wellbeing hub in Shrewsbury.  

The hub will pilot a new approach to providing local health and wellbeing services that work seamlessly together to offer high quality care for the local community. The new facility, which could open in Autumn 2024, will be a fantastic resource with a range of health and wellbeing services provided by the NHS, local council and voluntary sector organisations under one roof, in a new state-of-the-art building. 

A listening exercise has been launched to understand what’s important to local people when they are accessing GP services and their views on whether they think a health and wellbeing hub would be beneficial for themselves and the local community.  

The listening exercise will run between 23 August 2021 and 26 September 2021. Local people can feed back their views by filling in the online survey here. Further information about the health and wellbeing hub can be found here.

People without internet access, can request a telephone interview to give us their views by calling 0121 611 0611. If you have any questions or for documents in other languages and formats, please email: or by call 0121 611 0611.

Kind regards,


Ajey Sharma

Engagement, Communications and Marketing Manager

NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit


M: 07795 520808

23rd August 2021

See the Files Section below to download.

The following comments were sent 2nd July 2021 to the Planning Officer. A query is being raised over why the document has not appeared in the Documents section but in the meantime see the files section below for the full submission.

Shaun Jones, Locum Clerk to Bayston Hill Parish Council..

17th August 2021

Plant a tree for the Jubilee

Shropshire Council and the Shropshire Lieutenancy are delighted to support an exciting new national tree planting campaign known as The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

As part of this, they are keen to see as many individuals, communities, charities, schools, youth groups, councils, businesses and landowners as possible across Shropshire planting trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.

This could take the form of single or groups of trees, avenues, hedgerows or larger woods. Each project will be marked by a special commemorative plaque and will be uploaded onto a map of the UK to track all QGC projects over the two-year period. The Queen will receive the map of all the projects planted in Her Majesty’s name as a gift from the nation.

The QGC will encourage everyone to learn more about which species to plant, when to plant them (ideally between October and March) and how best to do it so that they survive and flourish for years to come.

Shropshire Council has already made a pledge to plant a tree for every resident in the county by 2030 and will work with a range of other organisations, including local businesses, to explore how best to promote and fund the QGC and co-ordinate it with other tree planting initiatives. These include the council-led Community Tree Scheme, and a trial project seeking to increase trees in the farmed environment – like orchards.

The council is also reviewing its own land to identify appropriate commemorative planting opportunities, and is developing a mapping tool to help other organisations and communities to identify suitable potential tree planting sites, to encourage the choice of healthy native trees that will thrive in their environments and avoid damage to valuable existing habitats and species.

Anna Turner, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, said:-

“The trees that are planted will create a lasting legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the nation over the last 70 years.

“But, to make this happen, we need your help. As well as encouraging individuals to plant trees, we are calling upon local organisations to get involved by not only planting trees for QGC themselves, but also providing sponsorship to support schools and communities with the cost of trees, stakes and guards as well as an official commemorative plaque. If you think you can help, we’d love to hear from you.”

Lezley Picton, Shropshire Council’s Leader, said:-

“This is a heartwarming scheme which will enhance our environment and landscape for generations to come: it also offers us all an opportunity to play our part in tackling climate change.

“If you can, please get involved and support this exciting and worthwhile initiative.”

The council is working with local nurseries to source supplies of appropriate trees and can provide advice about suitable trees and planting locations. A team of Deputy Lieutenants is also available to provide support for the initiative.

For more information, please contact: Dan Wrench, Shropshire Council: or Robert Bland, Deputy Lieutenant:


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.