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9th March 2023
Save the Date! The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 24th April 2023 at 7pm at The Memorial Hall. Although often called by the Parish Council, this is not a meeting of the Council, it is an opportunity for the community to come together and discuss local issues. Everyone is welcome. Light refreshments will be available.
6th February 2023

Did you know we have 3 defibrillators here in Bayston Hill?

If you are advised on a 999 call to activate a defibrillator, an access code and the nearest location will be given to you by the call handler.

Our locations are The Memorial Hall, Lyth Hill Road

The Beeches Medical Practice

The Pavilion, Lythwood Sports Complex

1st February 2023

Are you concerned about food costs and whether you can afford food?

Here are some places to go for help, including to check that you're claiming all the financial help that you're entitled to...

Worried about food? | Shropshire Council

13th January 2023

The site notice for the proposed 106 home development on Lyth Hill Road has now been put up.

Residents have 21 days from the date shown to submit comments.

A link to the planning portal can be found here


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.