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28th April 2022
A request from our Chair, Cllr Mark Underwood: "I have received this today which I would like to share with you. Its important that we have a say in what is being proposed whether we agree or not so I would urge as many of you as possible to register an interest in being part of the focus groups that will be running from 26th to 31st May 2022 and to share this post with anyone you know who may not be on this group or does not have internet access, you will note in the document that they can request a telephone interview. I know no more than what I have shared so please do not direct any questions back to myself. "The document I have shared provides all the information you need to be able to register for the focus groups. "Thank You in anticipation that you will register."
22nd March 2022
An exciting post has become available in Bayston Hill. Please see advert for further details.
14th March 2022

You will soon see changes taking place on The Parade, Landsdowne Road.We have been in talks with the landlord to improve the area.

We are pleased after some hard work that Bayston Hill Parish Council have received funding from the ERDF*. There will be new benches, cycle rack and a noticeboard as well as some tree works, pavement repairs and a deep clean. You will have noticed that the willow tree is causing significant damage to the pavement making sections a hazard to pedestrians. Although we will be removing this tree to prevent further accidents, we are committed to a tree planting scheme this Autumn to more than replace the benefits of this tree to the environment. We will also be looking at placing trees in pots there so they can be easily managed.

*The Welcome Back Fund (Councils across England are to share£56m of ERDF funding to support the return to high streets safelyand help build back better from the pandemic)

9th February 2022

Bayston Hill Parish Council members were delighted today to plant the first of our contributions to The Queens Green Canopy initiative. You can see more about this project to celebrate 70 glorious years of the reign of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth here 

The tree and plaque were donated to us by Shropshire Council and can be seen in the orchard of the Sensory Gardens, Lythwood Sports Complex.

Thank you to Evie and Lucas, pupils from Oak Meadow School who helped to plant the tree. Thank you also to Rev Hubbard of Christ Church for sharing a prayer with us.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.